Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Application Status and Beneficiary Detail 2020

PM Awas Yojana – Gramin (Rural) (PMAY-G) in Hindi) (Eligibility, Apply Online, Last Date, List, Application Status and Beneficiary

Narendra Modi government has long come up with the plan of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin scheme with the aim of offering financial help to rural families. The main objective is to help the families build permanent houses. Though the scheme has been long planned since 2015, the construction of the houses is scheduled to begin from 2022. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of pucca houses to be constructed. Read on to know more about other relevant details pertaining to the entailed scheme.

pm awas yojana gramin in hindi

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Features

  • Main objective for scheme launch – The state government is offering financial help to the rural families to build pucca or permanent houses in the coming years.
  • Beneficiaries under the scheme – The low income families living in rural areas are the beneficiaries of the scheme.
  • Total of houses to be constructed – A total of 4 crores house has been planned to be constructed by 2022.
  • Total expense for the scheme – A total of rupees 60, 000 crores have been allotted by government for the successful launch of the scheme.
  • Allowance given for construction – Rupees 120, 000 would be given for the houses in plain area and rupees 130, 000 in the hilly areas under the scheme.
  • Fund transfer – The financial help for construction of house would be transferred to the linked bank account of the beneficiary. However, the applicant can take up to loan of rupees 70000 for the construction which is optional

However, the beneficiaries for the above said scheme would be chosen on the basis of the data under Socio-Economic Caste Census of 2011.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Online Registration

The registration procedure is meant for government officials under the scheme and not for individuals who are applying under the scheme.

  • First, you have to visit the official portal at
  • As the homepage shows up, you have to click on the ‘download’ tab option and then click on the ‘user manual for PAMY-G registration’ link.
  • As the PDF file shows up, you have to enter correct details.

By filling up the application form, the applicants can avail of the financial assistance required for construction of the permanent houses in the rural space.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Check Beneficiary List

To check the beneficiary list under the scheme, you can check the application status along with bank details, house sanction, status and other relevant details on its official website.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Check Application Status

  • First, you have to visit the official site.
  • As the home page shows up, you have to enter the correct MAY-G registration details in the given box.
  • Following this, you have to click on the ‘submit’ option.
  • This would redirect you to the beneficiary page to get the details.
  • If you have forgotten the registration details, click on ‘advanced search’ option and this would open up a new page.
  • You can also click on the for advanced search.
  • If you want to access through the advanced search section, you have to enter details like state, district, panchayat, block, financial year, name of scheme, and other parameters

Therefore, by entering correct details, it would be easy for you to check the beneficiary list.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Selection Process

The identification of candidates and selection would be done based on the SECC 2011 list and maintaining other social deprivation factors. However, the six steps to select the beneficiaries are listed below.

  • Preparing the list of beneficiaries who are eligible.
  • Create a priority list of candidates.
  • Scrutiny and verification of list by officials at Gram Sabha.
  • Checking the grievance by appellate committee.
  • Putting up the list.
  • Preparing the annual list

Parameters Excluded for Candidates Based on SECC 2011   

Individuals doing any of the following are excluded to be eligible for scheme :

  • Paying income tax
  • Paying any professional tax
  • Have three or four wheeler used for agricultural purpose
  • Motorized two, three or four wheeler or fishing boat
  • Part of kisan credit with upper limit of rupees 50, 000 or higher
  • Any member as government employee
  • Any member of family who is part of non-agricultural organization registered with government   
  • Have a refrigerator
  • Have landline phone connectivity
  • Own 5 acres or more of irrigated land and owing it for more than two or more seasons
  • Having at least 7.5 acres of land with one or more irrigation equipment
  • Owning 2.5 acres of land with irrigation equipment 

Overview of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin

Name of the scheme Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Grameen
Target group of scheme Rural families
Objective of scheme launch Offer financial assistance to build pucca houses
Category of scheme   Rural housing scheme
Official portal for checking application status
Scheme has been launched by Narendra Modi Government
Date of scheme launch 23rd March, 2015
Portal related to scheme
Helpline number 1800-11-6446


Q : What is the main purpose of scheme launch ?

Ans : Offer financial help to build pucca houses.

Q : What is the official portal to check application status under the scheme ?

Ans :

Q : How many permanent houses would be constructed under scheme ?

Ans : 4 Crores.

Q : What is the total expense allotted for the scheme ?

Ans : Rupees 60,000 crores.

Q : How the candidates would be selected for scheme ?

Ans : Based on eligibility list under SECC 2011.

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