Stenographer Pay Scale Salary Matrix Allowance in 7th pay commission

Stenographer Pay Scale Salary Matrix Allowance in 7th pay commission

The stenographers are the main assistants of the ministers and ministry departments. People who work under central government or state government as stenographers are responsible for the jobs such as speech writing, public relations, assistant to the ministers and / or officers and finally press conference briefing. Stenographers fall under the pay band 1 and 2. The pay band depends on the grade of the stenographers. If the person is working as Grade C then it will be pay band 1 and for Grade D it is Pay Band 2.

Stenographer Salary

An entry level stenographer’s salary starts from Rs. 5200/- per month excluding allowances. As mentioned that the salary or the pay scale depends on the Grade of the stenographer, the minimum salary for a Grade C stenographer is Rs. 5200/- per month.

The higher Grade stenographers draw the minimum entry level salary of Rs. 9300/- per month excluding the allowances and grade pay. There are other grades like X and Y is also there and the salary is different on the basis of their job profile.

Stenographer Grade wise Salary

Grades Pay Band Pay Scale Grade Pay
C PB – 2 Rs. 9300/- – Rs. 34800/- Rs. 4200/-
D PB – 1 Rs. 5200/- – Rs. 20200/- Rs. 2400/-

The Group D stenographers are divided in two categories, one if Grade X and another one is Grade Y. The X stenographers are posted in Delhi under the central government ministry. The Y stenographers are posted in any location across the country under the central government ministry.

Stenographer Allowances

House Rent Allowances: The stenographer can be posted in any area and any location across the nation. If they are not provided governmental premises or quarters to stay during his / her service then the candidate will be given HRA on monthly basis.

Dearness Allowances: Dearness Allowances are one of the basic allowances that are provided to all the state and central government employees. 113% of the basic pay scale is being offered to the employee per month as DA.

Transport Allowances: The TA is also given to the stenographers depending on the basic pay scale they have currently. The TA is higher for the Grade C stenographers and comparatively low for the Grade D officers.

Stenographer Pay Scale after 7th Pay Commission

After 7th pay commission report the pay scale has been increased by 23.56% for the central and state government employee. The Grade pay has been removed in some of the sectors. The DA and other allowances are said to be increased but the report is yet to be finalized. The finance minister said the report will be out soon.
