Dearness Allowance and GPF Withdrawal Facilities for Government Employees Haryana
The entire nation is fighting the deadly Coronavirus, while the medical experts are trying their best to provide relief to the affected people. The law enforcement department is working round the clock to make sure that the people are abiding by the lockdown rules. In the meantime, proper steps must be taken to safeguard the economic stability of the people. Thus, the Haryana Chief Minister made some important announcements on the 29th April 2020.

Financial crunch for the state government
Both the central and the state governments are facing financial crunch due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, both authorities are taking the necessary steps to ensure that there is a steady flow of money in the market. The Chief Minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar conversed with the heads of the various workers’ unions, with the intention of finding a suitable solution. The union leaders of Haryana Sarva Karmachari Sangha, Haryana Sarva Karmachari Mahasangha, Bhartiya Majdoor Sangha, and Haryana Rajya karmachari Sangha conversed with the Chief Minister via video conferencing.
Continuation of DA payment
The central government has announced that the central government employees will not get the DA or dearness allowance for a few months, due to the breakdown of the financial, infrastructure of the nation. However, Manohar Lal Khattar has announced that the state government employees in Haryana will continue to receive the 17% dearness allowance, as financial security is necessary during these trying times.
Facility to withdraw money from GPF account
Apart from solving the issue of DA payment, the Chief Minister also stated that the government employees will not be barred from withdrawing money from the GPF accounts. He was of the opinion that people will have to go back to their regular lives after the lockdown is over. They will require money for meeting unavoidable expenses like wedding arrangements and medical treatment. In such cases, the contributors will be able to apply and obtain the necessary sum from the GPF account.
Declaration of HSSC and HPSC examination results
The government job enthusiasts were eagerly waiting for the publication of the examination results for Haryana State Service Commission and Haryana Public Service Commission. However, the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic derailed their plans. The Chief Minister of the state has assured the candidates that the examination results will be published soon after the lockdown is over. Around 12, 316 candidates will be selected to fill in the vacant posts. 68, 560 and 5000 applicants have been selected for HSSC and HPSC posts respectively, during the reign of Khattar in Haryana.
Noble gesture by the nursing staff
The Chief Minister and the Minister of Health and Family Welfare had announced a few days back that the nurses and medical assistance professionals will get double salary for their tireless services. However, the nursing community has refused to accept the double pay. They have urged the government to use the money for strengthening the medical infrastructure.
Contribution in the Haryana Corona relief Fund
The state government requires a massive amount to maintain the demand and supply of food items, essential commodities and medicines in the state. Though most government offices are closed, the salaries of the employees must be paid on time. Apart from this, the Haryana government needs money to find the various relief schemes, which have been implemented to offer financial security to the needy people. The Chief Minister has created the Haryana Corona Relief Fund, and urged the common people to contribute as much as they can.
Official reports suggest that there are around 2.80 lakh government employees in the state. Out of these, two lakh individuals have already taken the decision of paying as much as they can towards the relief fund. Employees of some of the state government departments have already contributed their one day’s salary in the fund. Even the general nursing staffs have contributed the salary for a day in this fund. State residents, government and private sector employees alike will be able to donate in the Corona Relief Fund till the end of May, 2020.
The CM again mentioned that it is his primary duty to safeguard the interests of the common people. He also said that his government and the residents of the state will forever be indebted to the medical professionals, policemen, essential service providers and others associated with similar fields.
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