7th Pay Commission Latest News in Hindi

{29th June 2016} 7th Pay Commission Latest News in Hindi

After a long wait, the 7th pay commission has been considered by the Indian Govt. Finally the day has come when over a crore of the govt. employees will experience a big salary hike along with restructure of other allowances. With the new pay commission coming into effect, the minimum salary of a central govt. employee will be set to Rs. 18 thousand per month, where as the maximum salary, one of the rank of cabinet secretary will draw Rs. 2,50,000 per month.

Who will be beneficial with the new 7th CPC?

An estimated total of 50 lakh currently in service employees of central govt. will be benefitted with the implementation of the new 7th pay commission. This new pay commission will not only hike their salary structures by a big margin, but also will remodel their service benefits and other allowances. In addition to the employees of the central government, the employees of the govt. undertaking public sector bodies will also experience a similar pay hike with the new CPC. Further, a total of 58 lakh retired central govt. employees draw their pension, which will also get hiked along with other retirement benefits.

Financial burden on the Govt.

An estimated burden of Rs. 1 lakh crore per annum will be there after the 7th pay commission comes into effect. This major financial burden will imply approximately 0.7 per cent of GDP. The Govt. has already made plans to cope up with the upcoming financial burden by distribution of the total burden among general budget and railway budget. As per sources of Ministry of Finance, the total payout of approximately Rs. 73,650 crore will be shelled out of the general budget. The rest will come from the railway budget.

Few other problems that the Govt. might face

In addition to the large financial burden that will result after full implementation of the new pay commission, the Govt. is also facing some other problems. As after the full implementation of the pay commission, the employees of senior ranks will draw a higher salary than the lawmakers appointed in the parliament. The lawmakers are unhappy with the lack of parity. Also the matter of OROP needs to be solved and a huge extra financial burden of nearly Rs. 70 thousand crore might imply with the new OROP rules.

Sl. No. Attributes Related data
1 Date of implementation of 7th CPC 1st Jan 2016
2 Hike of existing salary 24 per cent
3 Total no. of in-service employees to get benefitted 50 lakh
4 Total no. of retired employees to get benefitted 58 lakh
5 Extra financial burden Rs. 1 lakh crore



no increament for non perfoming government employee : 28 June Latest News

After 7th Pay Commission report has released, there are massive changes are being showed. From basic pay scales to grade pays to promotions, everything has changed / increased for the government employee. On the other some of the allowances and facilities have abolished as well. One of them is the annual increment of Non-performing government employees.

The non-performing government employees are those who cannot meet the required performance for a year or so. Each employee is eligible to receive an annual increment but as per the latest report of the 7th CPC they will nt be considered any inefficient employee to be eligible for any increment.

After 7th Pay commission it has been said that the employees who do not meet the performance criteria that was set for the particular employee for the year, he/she will not receive any annual increment. Also there is another new MACP (Modified Assured Career Progression) that has been added to promote the employee who has been performed well in their period of service.

Those who don’t meet the performance goal under MACP or regular promotion in 20 years of their service will be called the inefficient employees. The 7th pay commission has made the decision that the annual increment should not be given the employees who are inefficient.

On the other the commission has said that the employees will be tagged as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ as per their performance but no price money for them as of now.


Cabinet will soon approve the proposals of 7th Pay Commission 18 June Latest News 

The proposals of 7th Pay Commission will be approved by the cabinet in 15 days. A Committee of 13 members of Secretaries will make the final call on the recommendations made by the Pay Commission. It is expected that they would revise the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission by giving 30 percent more in basic salary. The Indian government is hoping to implement it from the very day of August.

The committee has decided that the minimum salary should be Rs. 23, 400 and the maximum should be Rs. 3, 25, 000 for the central government staff. 47 lakh government employees and 53 lakh pensioners will be benefitted by the 7th Pay Commission


Double bonus for Government employees 16 June Latest News 7th CPC

The government is thinking about giving double bonus for the central government staff. The salary hike of the employees will be given by the government on August 1 and later they will be given six months arrears on October. Also, the government employees will be rejoiced by the fact that the Secretaries Panel has recommended that 30 percent more should be paid to the employees than the current proposed rate.

Some reports suggest that, the employees will get the revised pay-scale on their July salaries and this salary will be credited to them on August 1. A total of 47 lakh employees and 52 lakh pensioners are hoping that this proposed salary hike will benefit them.


7th Pay Commission: Govt employees to get increased salary with arrears on August 1?

After setting up a swift panel to make the 7th pay commission implementations as soon as possible, the salary hikes are expected to come from the 1st of August, 2016. This salary hike will be provided by revising the pay scales of the 47 lakh in-service central govt. employees along with the 52 lakh retired pensioners.

latest news 7th pay commission

As per latest news, the central govt. employees will get their salary accounts credited with the extra hiked salary along with the arrears on 1st August, 2016. This extra credit of salary hike along with the applicable pending arrears will be given in addition to the salary of the month of July 2016.


Cool news in these hot summers has come from Finance Ministry for employees of Central government. The employees, who have been awaiting their salary increment proposed in 7th Pay Commission from 5 months now, are likely to receive much bigger  paychecks in coming months as better pay scales for them have been nearly finalized by the the group of Secretaries reviewing CPC’s recommendations.


The news  has come from a senior official working in Finance Ministry, who opted to maintain anonymity while tipping of the press about this development. Under new scales the minimum salary has been set at Rs. 21,000 while maximum salary will be Rs. 270,000. These figures are Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 20,000 higher than the original figures suggested by the commission, respectively.

The panel of 13 secretaries reviewing the recommendations has proposed a fitment factor of 3% for all employees. The original fitment factor recommended by the commission was 2.57% – 2.81%. This means that new pay bands of employees will now be 3x of their Fixed Basic Pay.

Speaking further on the development the same source said that the panel has nearly finalized its report and it’ll submit the final report to Finance Ministry after assembly polls going on in five states are done. Then after a nod from cabinet, the details of report will be made public. Once accepted, the new pay scales will be effective from January 1 for all Central government employees, and they may start receiving their bigger paychecks from June – July.

It has also been heard that the committee has recommended to double the rates of various allowances, that commission had originally recommended to abolish. These include small family allowance, motor cycle advance, risk allowance, festival advance and so on.

This should certainly come as a wonderful news to employees who have been protesting the recommendations of commission citing the fact that basic pay hike recommended in the report of commission is lowest in 7 decades.

Developments related to 7th CPC are important because they’ll directly influence the lives of 47 lakh Central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners. Plus, they’ll also put an additional burden of Rs. 1.06 lakh crore on the exchequer within current fiscal year. The government has already allocated Rs. 70,000 crore to implementation of commission from its annual budget.


Too busy in your government job to read the whole? Okay fine, let’s have a quick review of new rumors surrounding 7th CPC:

The committee of empowered secretaries appointed by Finance Ministry is currently reviewing and processing the recommendations made by 7th CPC. It is in favor of further increasing the original benefits recommended by the commission according to the table given below:

Benefit Original Recommendation Revised Recommendation
Minimum Salary Rs. 18,000 Rs. 21,000
Maximum Salary Rs. 250,000 Rs. 270,000
Fitment Factor 2.57% – 2.81% 3%

The committee will propose these recommendations to Finance Ministry as soon as elections going in five states are finished. If proposal made by the panel is accepted, which is very likely to happen, the base salaries will be even more than originally suggested.

Latest News 7th Pay Commission

  1. 7th Pay Commission Latest News | Govt. employees likely to get huge pay checks by June July 2016
  2. Centre admits employees not happy with minimum pay recommended Pay Commission
  3. No Salary Hike For BSNL Employees In 7th Pay Commission
  4. Pay commission award not to be implemented before OROP
  5. 7th CPC Implementation can happen by middle of 2016 and not be pushed out too late

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