SDO SDM Pay Scale Salary Pay Matrix Allowance After 7th Pay Commission
Sub Division Officers or SDOs are one of the senior posts in the central and state government. The posts are much similar to Indian Administrative Service officers. The pay scale is also much similar for these two posts. Like IAS officers to become an SDO one has to appear for the entrance examination under Indian government and has to clear all the rounds of examinations before getting recruited under central government.

The basic pay scale for the SDO falls under the pay band 2. The entry level salary for the SDO starts from Rs. 15, 600/- and can be reached to 39, 100/- plus grade pay and allowances. SDOs are recruited under IAS officers and take the responsibility of inspecting, supervising, testing and finally hearing the trials and cases.
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SDO Salary
An SDO receives average salary of Rs. 23, 640/- per month excluding allowances and grades. It is an entry level salary for the newly recruited officer. After adding up the allowances and perks the salary is Rs. 51, 378/- per month for an entry level officer.
More senior post draws much higher salary. The senior posts like Bureaucrats receive total salary of Rs. 1, 80, 780/- per month which is almost doubled from the SDO or SDM officers.
SDO Pay Scale State wise
- SDO officers receive different salaries in different states. The officers do not fall under different pay bands but the entry level salaries are different in different states.
- Sometimes the salary depends on the location and area like if the officer is recruited in hardship area then the salary is expected to be higher than other states.
- The grade pay is different in different states. That is why the total pay scale differs from one state to other for the SDO officers.
You Can Read State and Central Pay Scale And Salary After 7th Pay Commission
SDO Allowances and Perks
- Dearness allowances: 65% of basic pay scale is being provided to the SDO officers as Dearness allowances. If the basic pay is Rs. 23, 640/-, then the DA will be Rs. 15, 366/- per month.
- Travel Allowances: For an entry level SDO officer the Travel Allowances will be Rs. 5800/- per month.
- House Rent Allowances: Those who are recruited out of home town are being provided the HRA or house rent allowances. They draw HRA of 30% of the basic salary. In this case Rs. 7000/- is the HRA amount per month.
- Pension: after retirement the SDO will get pension and other facilities like DA, Medical Allowances and such.
- Medical Allowances: SDOs get medical allowances as well. Also if there is any dependant like parents or wife or children get MA of the dependants as well.
You can read All About Allowance And Advances
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- MRO Pay Scale Salary Allowance And Matrix After 7th Pay Commission
- 7th Pay Commission Tamil Nadu Latest News Pay Scale Salary Allowance |Tamil Nadu Hindi
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Vrs scheme state or central govt. employees just 15 years qualifying service not for 20yrars