State Police Service Pay Scale Salary Matrix Allowance Under 7th Pay Commission

State Police Service Pay Scale Salary Matrix Allowance Under 7th Pay Commission

State Police Service is the service by police officers under the state government of different states. The recruitment of the officers at state level is done by the state government officials only. Once the probationary period of state police has over they might start serving under the central government of India. We will let you know through this article about the pay scale and various ranks under the state police services. Also you will get to know about the rank wise pay scale and salary of the police officers under state services.

State Police Services Pay Scale

The state police officers from Junior Scale to Senior Scale level fall under diverse pay bands. The junior scale officers belong to Pay Band 3, where as senior scale officers belong to Pay Band 4 and higher. The Pay Bands of different levels are:

Officers’ scale Pay Bands Pay Scale
Junior Scale PB 3 15, 600/- – 39, 100/-
Senior Time Scale PB 3 15, 600/- – 39, 100/-
Junior Admin Grade PB 3 15, 600/- – 39, 100/-
Selection Grade PB 4 37, 400/- – 67, 000/-
Super Time Scale PB 4 37, 400/- – 67, 000/-
Above Super Time Scale Fixed 80, 000/-

State Police Services Pay Grade

According to the pay bands, different officers holding different grades receive diverse Grade pay. The officers who fall under same pay bands might receive different grade pay as they are not holding the same grades in their service. Post wise different grade pays are:

Officers’ Scale Pay Band Grade Pay
Junior Time Scale PB 3 5400/- per month
Senior Time Scale PB 3 6600/- per month
Junior Admin Grade PB 3 7600/- per month
Selection Grade PB 4 8700/- per month
Deputy Inspector General PB 4 8900/- per month
Inspector General PB 4 10, 000/- per month
Additional Director General Fixed Nil
HAG + Fixed Nil
Apex Fixed Nil

State Police Services Salary

As mentioned that the different level police officers belong to different pay bands. The junior level officers draw monthly average salary of Rs. 15, 600/- at entry level where as a senior time scale officer draws monthly average salary of Rs. 37, 400/- per month. The officers who hold the position above Super Time Scale officer ranks like Director General of Police draws monthly salary of Rs.67, 000/- per month. Officers above super time scale rank don’t receive any grade pay. There get increments that bring 3% hike in total salary during their service. They serve in Central Police Service.

State Police Services Rank wise Salary

There are various ranks and positions in State Police Services. The Rank wise salary of the officers:

Ranks / Positions Officer Salary Grade Pay
Deputy Commissioner of Police Gazetted class 1 37, 400/- – 67, 000/- 7600/- per month
Other officers above selection grade Gazetted Class 1 37,400/- 67,000/- 8900/- per month
Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Gazetted Class 1 15, 600/- 39, 100/- 6600/- per month
Assistant Commissioner of Police Gazetted 15, 600/- 39, 100/- 5400/- per month
Circle Officer Gazetted 15600/- – 39100/- 5400/- per month
Sub divisional Police Officer Gazetted 15600/- – 39100/- 5400/- per month
Inspector of Police Gazetted Class 2 15600/- – 39100/- 5400/- per month
Sub-inspector Non-Gazetted 9300/- – 34800/- 4200/- per month
Asst. Sub inspector Non-Gazetted 9300/- 34800/- 4900/- per month
 Head Constable Non-Gazetted 5200/- – 20200/- 3200/- per month
Constable Non-Gazetted 5200/- – 20200/- 2400/- per month

Above the Deputy Commissioner of Police rank, there are other ranks as well. When an officer reaches above the Selection Grade or Super Time Scale rank after completion of their probationary period, they shift to central police services or Indian Police Service from the state level.

State of Police Allowances and Facility


Each officer of the State Police Service receives a bunch of allowances during their service. The allowances include:

  • Uniform: From lower scale to junior to senior level, the uniform they wear is given by the state government. There is also grant for the uniforms with which the officer can buy new uniforms whenever they need. Also the uniform equipments are provided to them.
  • Kit maintenance grant: the officers receive kit maintenance grant from the Government to maintain their official equipments such as weapons and so on. Also they need to maintain other equipments related to uniform. All these maintenance kit is granted from the government.
  • House Rent Allowances: basic allowance like HRA is given to all the gazetted officers and some of the non-gazetted officers. Those who hold ranks higher than junior time scale, they receive the housing quarter to live.
  • Travel Allowance: each of the officers receives travel allowance during their services. The senior officers receive transportation cost / allowance as well. Selection grade officers and above them gets car facility as well. Commissioner of police, asst commissioner of police and other senior level officers get TA.
  • Dearness Allowance: DA is given to all the senior level as well as junior level officers. They receive the amount of DA on the basis of their basic monthly pay scale.
  • Other Allowances: other allowances like footwear, horse saddle, other weapons like sword and such are also grant by the government to the state police officers.


  • Car facility: Cars with Red Light is provided to the senior officers such as Deputy Commissioner of Police, Commissioner of Police, Asst. Commissioner of Police and such.
  • Housing Facility: Some of the senior officers such as Selection Grade and above get the housing facility. Quarters and housing apartments are being allotted to them during their services as senior level officers.
  • Pension: every officer gets pension after retirement. Also they get gratuity and other facilities like medical and such after retirement.

State of Police Benefits under 7th Pay Commission

  • The salary of the officers has increased after 7th pay commission. The officers who fall under Pay Band 3 now are now receiving average salary of Rs. 56100/- per month along with grade pay and other allowances. Similarly, officers who were falling under Pay Band 4 now are receiving average salary of Rs. 1, 31,000/- per month.
  • The allowances such as City Compensatory Allowances, Leave Travel Allowances have added to the list of allowances along with previous allowances like DA, medical and such.
