Flight Attendant Salary in India [Pay Scale, Perks, Allowance]
The aviation industry has progressed a lot in recent times. A high percentage of people find employment in this sector. Earlier, the salary and perks of flight attendants was rather low. But things have been looking up recently. Here, you will get a quick look at the salaries and additional perks that flight attendants are entitled to get.
Monthly salary of flight attendants
There is a great deviation between the monthly salaries of flight attendants in international and national aviation companies. The attendants in the international industry bring home anything between Rs.60, 000 and 100, 000 each month. On the other hand, national level flight attendants earn Rs. 25, 000 to Rs. 40, 000 on a monthly basis.
Annual salary of flight attendants
Depending on the monthly salary of the flight attendants, their annual salaries will also differ. If any flight attendant gets Rs. 25,000 each month, then he/she will have an annual salary of Rs. 300, 000. In case the flight attendants belong to the higher pay grade, they will get around Rs. 480, 000 annually.
Additional perks flight attendants enjoy
- Free air travel – Apart from the task, the life of a flight attendant is like an unending holiday. They get to travel to new cities and countries almost on a daily basis. The best thing is they need not worry about purchasing their vacation tickets. As they travel with the cabin crew, they will fly to their destination free of cost.
- Heavy discounts on tickets – Flight attendants are also entitled to get heavy discounts on all national and international air travels. As they are directly associated with the aviation industry, they get this perk.
- Pregnancy allowance – Female flight attendants are also entitles to get pregnancy allowance from the respective aviation organization. The amount will vary according to the policies of the company, but not by much.
- Maternity/Paternity leave – Both male and female flight attendants receive some time off from their duty under the maternity/ paternity clause. They can get as much as six months break to raise the infant.
- Sick leave – All aviation organizations grant sick leave to their flight attendants. Both short and long term sick leave is available, depending on the seriousness of the ailment.
- Insurance coverage – It is rather hard to predict when an accident takes place in mid-air. It is the responsibility of the aviation company to insure the lives of all flight attendants, cabin crew and pilots. No matter what their post is, the company offers them life insurance policies.
Roles and responsibilities of flight attendants
- Get flight instructions from captain – Before every flight takes off, it is the responsibility of flight attendants to check up with captain and other cabin crew.
- Check the seats and first aid kits – The flight attendants must check each seat to ensure that it is functioning properly. Apart from this, he/she also needs to check that all first aid kits are fully stocked.
- Greet the passengers – The flight attendants must keep a smile on their faces, and greet the passengers warmly during boarding or leaving the flight.
- Help them with their seats and safety belts – In case any passenger cannot find his/her seat, or cannot buckle the seat belts, the flight attendants will come to his/her rescue.
- Giving safety instructions – Before the flight takes off, flight attendants will demonstrate safety measures for the passengers.
- Distributing inflight snacks – They also note down any requests and distribute inflight snacks to passengers. They will provide passengers with extra blankets and reading materials.
- Keeping passengers calm in emergencies – Passengers become rather perplex if the flight gets caught in turbulence, or experiences any technical malfunctions. The flight attendants keep passengers updates with facts. They keep passengers calm under all circumstances.
- Lost and found details – If any passenger loses any luggage or item, the flight attendants will record the details. In case the cleanup crew finds the item, they will report back to the flight attendants.
- Clarifying queries – Passengers may have several enquiries about the landing time, and destination climate. It is the primary responsibility of the flight attendants to keep the passengers well-informed.
- Maintain inventory list – Before the passengers aboard the flight, and after they leave, flight attendants must check the inventory list.
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