Leave Rules For Central Govt Employee Under 7th Pay Commission

Leave Rules For Central Govt Employee Under 7th Pay Commission

With the implementation of the 7th pay commission, there have been a few changes in different section of leaves offered by the central government. At present the central government offices have been following the regulation of five days a week and that result in a total of 104 holidays every year, considering the weekends. Additionally, there are three national holidays and 14 Gazetted holidays. The civilian government employees are entitled to 8 days of casual leave, 30 days earned leave and 20 days of half pay leave. In this article, we are going to bring you the detailed analysis of the different forms of leaves offered by the central government.

Leave Rules Under 7th Pay Commission

  • Casual Leave:

  • The casual leave is offered to any government servant for attending any unforeseen tasks or necessities. At present, 8 days of casual leave are allotted for central government employees. In case of the industrial workers, the number increases to 10 days and defense workers can have 20 days of casual leave in case of necessity. For the railways staff, the CL ranges from 11-13 days and there are demands to make it 15 and for the industrial workers the number is requested to increase to 12 days.
  • Considering the casual leave, the commission considers that present system is working just fine and at present it is not necessary to alter. Regarding the CAPFs, it is noted that CAPFs are actually civilian forces and thus the parity within number of CL cannot be considered.
  • Child Adoption Leave:

This leave is specifically granted for the female employees two surviving children. And if the adoption is made on complete legal terms in one year. A total of 135 days leave is granted and no alteration of demands or request of amendments have been made.

  • Child Care Leave:

  • During the entire period of the service, a child care leave is granted for the women employees for a period of two years in a service period. This leave is for taking care of the minor children. But certain amendments like extension of family care leave should also be provided for the single parents.
  • For cases where the child is completely differently abled, the clause which stipulates that the child needs to be a minor, should be removed and the single mothers have requested the commission for the specific problems and liberalizing the CCL.
  • At the same time there have also been requests for completely banning the CCL. And the reason that has been given is, it disrupts the office working environment and also it promotes a gender inequality. When the CCL was initially introduced by the VI CPC, it became really popular because it offered positive measures and benefited women. But within the two years of its implementation, the experience was such that women employees took advantage of this leave and started treating this as an extension of the casual leave. The frequent absences started a disruption in work.
  • It has been finally granted by the commission that the CCL shall be granted at 100% of the overall salary for the first year while it will be 80% of the salary for the next 365 days. It has been recommended that he for the single parents, the conditionality of three spells within a calendar year shall be relaxed to six spells in a calendar year.
  • Earned Leave:

Presently, a total of 30 days have been offered for the Civilian employees and 60 days for the Defense personnel are offered as earned leave. A total of 300 days of EL can be collected for which an encashment shall be allowed along with LTC. There are suggestions for increasing the accumulation to 450 days. After 20 years of service.

  • Extra Ordinary Leave:

The EOL is applicable for those government employees where no other leave is applicable or admissible. In case when other leaves are applicable but the government employee applies for EOL in writing, then it can be given. The main feature of this leave is, it is not debited within a leave account and also no leave salary is paid.

  • Furlough Leave:

The Furlough leave is applicable for the defense officers for 60 days. They can avail that at half pay for once in a cycle of three calendar years. There are no demands till date regarding this leave. The Furlough Leave is actually a legacy of the pre-dependant era.

SL NO The different leaves Brief Details
1. Casual Leave This is actually offered to any government servant to attend any important tasks and necessities. Presently, for one year a total of 8 days of casual leave are offered.
2. Child Adoption leave This leave is actually granted for the female employees who have less than two surviving children for a valid adoption. A total of 135 days are allotted for CAL.
3. Child Care Leave This is actually granted for the women employees for two years or taking care of the minor children. This leave of two years is given within the entire service career. And this is also extended for the single parents and a “family care” leave is also included within this leave.
4. Earned leave Presently a total number of 30 days are allowed as earned for the government employees and the defense personnel have a total of 60 days of earned leave.
5. Extra ordinary leave This is applicable for those government employees where there are no other forms of leave applicable. Within leave account there is no leave debited and no leave salary is also paid.

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