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7th Pay Commission PayScale Salary For 5200 20200 Pay Band Pay Matrix
As the entire nation is very much interested to know about the salary calculation done as per the recommendation of 7 pay commission, this article will reveal the secret behind that calculation. Salary calculation method and pay scale system is often very puzzling to identify that what means 5200 – 20200 pay scale and 2400 grade pay stand for. Experienced workers or government employees find it simple to understand the salary system whereas a job seeker or newbie will not be aware about it.
Whenever you notice a job advertisement in newspapers or online sites regarding about any particular job position, you can observe the confusing terms of pay scale and grade pay. At that moment, dissimilar kind of queries or doubts may arise in your mind that what is the net salary of 5200 – 20200 pay scale? and what will be the gross income for that? The range of 5200 – 20200 will be decided based on the employee’s qualifications, employee’s experiences and other factors.
You don’t have to be worried about those perplexing phrases as you can easily calculate you net salary by following some simple steps. You just need to be aware of salary system in India, major factors include in and how to find out net monthly salary.
How People Earn Money?
The three broad ways in which people earn income are working for someone else, working for themselves and running a business. When a person works for someone else or company, he or she is called as employee. The company or person he or she giving job for others called employer. Money that is paid for their work or job is called as salary or wage or income. In India, pay commission will only decide the monthly salary for government employee. The 6th pay commission is revised as 7th pay commission.
Calculating the Gross Salary
PB | Pay Band |
GP | Grade Pay |
HRA | House Rent Allowance |
TA | Travel Allowance |
Your take-home salary will include basic salary + grade pay + miscellaneous allowances. Plenty of government allowances are provided to the employee as based on work nature from state government or central government.
7th Pay Commission Pay Scale Salary For 5200 20200 Band Matrix
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